For some reason I keep coming back to both this song and this MV. The earthy colors, the complexity, the energy, and the beautiful homage to its set location, Mongolia. It's such a beautiful blend of cultures, and I always find something new to appreciate when I rewatch.
A collection of songs I either played on repeat and/or stumbled upon, quarterly.
"For Emma" is one of my ultimate favorite songs. I love every iteration of it, every different artist's rendition. But most of all, I love this video's version. I think for this song, it's best to be raw and imperfect. The silliness of the bystanders' quips, the mingling of muffled voices, the small crowd outside the entryway.... this video remains in the front of my mind, always.
The original, 8-track version of this reached gold status on 8tracks back in the 2010s. I have to mention it whenever I can because that was like the coolest back in the day. LOL
I'm tired of being told to "play whatever, as long as it's not country." It's my turn with the aux, and I'm bumping up the volume and rolling down the windows!!!