Kidnapped…. again.

Woke up to find Kayla’s foot on my back… smacked each other around with pillows until we finally rolled, paused, then rolled more out of bed. hahahaha Kayla’s mom made us pho! We were munching on toast before though, but there was waaaaaay too much for one person to finish… hahahaha.  was delicious with hoisin […]

Prom shopping (again!) + Makeup haul

Started off my day with a delicious breakfast and a well-rested self. 🙂 my mom made me pancakes, and I suggested strawberries and nutella — so she added those too! It was SOOOOOOOOOO good!! ♥. She made the pancakes and put the strawberries IN the pancakes!! ahhh, so cool!! The finished piece. ♥ Put some […]

A nice day outttt!

For the past two days, I’ve been home alone while my mom is on a business trip.  DAY 1: Yesterday I was trying to make dinner for myself. I went to check the rice (hoping it would be empty so I could make some) and there was still rice in there…. being MOLDY. Green-blue spuds […]