Snow Day + Casual Photoshoot

All photoshoots more or less start out with “Cassie, I think we should get new profile pictures.” And before I know it, I’ve got my batteries charged and my wig cap on. We’ve been having a lot of snow lately, and school was canceled (sort of, or I played hooky one of those HAHA) so we all called each other up to play at the park by our houses. Chong and I dressed up in a casual, winter-themed Len and Rin sort of cosplay.

 Matchy matchy!

The park was sooooo lovely! The sun was out, and the trees were still violently golden and red.

The snow was this weird powdery stuff that I don’t remember ever experiencing, so we had a lot of fun throwing it up into the air. 🙂

The guys found some abandoned (and broken) sleds, and called us over to try out sledding.


So cute!

Kiet’s Octopus Grip lmao

It was suuuuper fun!

 I didn’t have a manly scarf, so mine is kinda really girly.. oh well haha.

Went over to the open field to run around some more!

I lovedddd the gradiating colors the sun kept creating randomly!

Cold and tired, we went back to my house to dry off our clothes to eat hot chocolate and oatmeal haha.