New York: My first trip to the Big Apple!

After getting about an hour of sleep, I finally finished packing for my first trip to NY. I’d been wanting to visit my best friend Kayla, and it was also going to be my first time seeing my boyfriend, Shane. To say that I was nervous and excited would be an understatement.

My friend Jesse offered to drop me off at the airport while my mom was out of town. Just before heading out, I realized my passport had expired (3 months ago!!!!) so I called my mom at 4AM in a panic. There was nothing to worry about since I had my ID, but I brought my birth certificate just in case. I said goodbye to Shane and Nibbles and headed outside. To my dismay, it turned out that Jesse slept outside in his car the whole night!! I knocked on his car door to wake him up and he looked at me like I was crazy LOL! On the drive down we talked about his gig last night and Shane. Jesse was the first person (aside from Chong and Liz) that I told I was going to see him. We talked about music and progress, and about me starting an Etsy (someday soon!).

I arrived at the airport at 5AM (aka super early OTL). Forgot where the food court was so I just grabbed a sprite and a cinnamon roll (which was… quite unfresh). Passed out for 4 hours, and spent the rest of the time listening to music and looking out the window. My plane landed at around 4PM, so I texted my mom, Kayla, and Shane that I was safe.

Ended up waiting at baggage claim for ~ 2 hours because of airtrain troubles. 
Outdoor tracks! I’d never seen them before in person.

Lugged my baggage through the Brooklyn subway. The elevators smelled horrible… Since it was time for dinner we went straight to the NYU dorms where I met Kayla’s friends, Lilin and Jessica.

We decided to go to Shake Shack since I’d never had it! The line was HECKA LONG. We ended up getting Subway to tide us over (LOL!). I shared a “hopscotch” with Kayla and saw some fireflies!

After an hour passed, we finally got seated under the pretty table lights. The burgers were worth the wait, and the hopscotch tasted like DQ, but I was so glad we got subway in between LOL. I was starving.

Walked back to the dorms, and then stayed up til 1AM planning my trip with Shane on the days he would be visiting. 🙂