New York: Like seeing you for the first time, again

Today is the day!! I woke up at 7:30 for no reason, panicked and called Shane. He was late to the bus, so I waited for his confirmation text instead, and then went back to sleep until around 10-11AM. Then I realized (well.. didn’t) that Shane was almost at the stop already!! AHHH!! I rushed to get to him. I ended up going by myself to meet him, and found myself in unfamiliar territory.

We played the “Where are you? What big signs do you see?” game through text for a couple minutes, when he replied that he saw me first. He wouldn’t tell me where he was, until I turned around and saw him creeping behind some mailboxes across the street. It was like those movie scenes, making eye contact for the first time. He was really there. We called each other and walked to the nearest intersection, talking along the way. I felt like crying, I was so happy. As soon as we were within hugging distance, we hung up our phones and I practically jumped into his arms and gave the biggest hug I’d ever given someone. One of the most important things I wanted to do was hold his hand. So we did and went to go find breakfast. Then we went to Times Square and got gelato while we exchanged presents!

We took our first polaroid together. Well, of the gelato. HAHA We also got way too much and couldn’t finish either of them…

We walked around before getting McDonalds and sitting in Bryant Park. Fed some boss pigeons. Walked over to Kinokuniya (again) browsing art books, etc.

For dinner we went to St. Marks and ate at Udon West! One of Shane’s earliest messages to me on tumblr was about udon (which I didn’t know what it was at the time) so it was really cool ordering it with him.
Got cutlet curry and tempura set. It was sooo good. 

Before heading back to meet up with Kayla, we spent the rest of the night walking around St. Marks just talking. It’s always been so easy talking to Shane. Thank you for a wonderful day. ♡