I held my breath before I knew you, reciting the warmest mesh of our awkward affections a few drops of rain on my eyelashes collecting on the shoulder I rest my chin on the briefest embrace a smile that burns into the back of my eyes my hands that crave your fingertips tread carefully around […]

New sweater + blondeee!

H&M’s men’s section has the best sweaters, I swear. Despite being “slightly” bitter about the poor quality and thickness in women’s sweaters in most fast-fashion stores, H&M is a sigh of relief to me — at least their menswear is. To be completely honest, I’m not even sure if I have a single piece of […]

To say in the least, maybe I’ve already become a swallow to your winter a hope greater than my sum Love, I will never bargain, barter, or forget how sweet kisses, they felt the day we never met.