Overnight coffee

“I hate Tuesday mornings because of him,” she said in passing, like an afterthought. I almost overlooked the subtle emphasis on each word. Hate. Because. Him. “As opposed to Sunday nights?” I replied before I took a sip of coffee. We were lounging in her small kitchen, leaning back in rickety wooden chairs that were […]

College Winter Retreat 2012

This year’s winter retreat was probably the craziest retreat I’ve been on yet. We went up to Leavenworth, which is a Bavarian-inspired tourist town and incredibly popular up here for day/overnight trips and retreats! I must’ve been to Leavenworth for a retreat 3-4 times, for 3-4 different organizations! hahaha. It’s a fun and bustling town […]

i wish we could talk about happy things

My friend,what if I only used the softest colorsto speak in front of youIf I could reinvent the waywe remember each otherknowing,very well,you still wouldn’t love mehow I want you to,how I’ve loved you. Neither the language we feel, northe way you’ve padded my shoulder withthe weight of your contradictory phrasescould fill inthe crevasseyou carved […]


I live alonewith the temporary tenants of a winter windI watch them come and go like thevacant thoughts I don’t like to think aboutsometimes I’m sitting in a piano room at night with the lights dimmedbut then I remember I never learned how to play. It feels like that a lot.Or if I walk by […]

Urban Craft Uprising 2012

This weekend was Urban Craft Uprising, Seattle’s largest indie craft show! Kent, a Graphic Design major at my school, invited me to go with him as both of us have never been before. Matching rebel xsi’s in hand, we set out on a home-made adventureee! Once inside, we were greeted by very friendly attendants at […]

Mini Nov. Recap Post

The past few weeks have been intenseeeeeeeeeee. Midterms was two weeks ago… I only have one fashion class this quarter so I actually got a lot of time to work on my garment. 🙂 OCT 23 — Intermediate Patternmaking is proving to be so much better than I’d feared. I patterned out this dress from […]