Mini Nov. Recap Post

The past few weeks have been intenseeeeeeeeeee. Midterms was two weeks ago… I only have one fashion class this quarter so I actually got a lot of time to work on my garment. 🙂
OCT 23 — Intermediate Patternmaking is proving to be so much better than I’d feared. I patterned out this dress from scratch, and after many test fits and reworking, I was able to create this gorgeous babyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. It’s made of heavy white bridal satin. c: I have yet to make something that was to my measurements so seeing myself in this dress really boosted my self-esteem I guess hahaha. It still needs a zipper in the back and the bottom tier to be hemmed, but other than that it’s complete! phewwwwww.
OCT 26 — I don’t have a lot of photos but to celebrate Halloween my friends and I all went to a corn maze at night! It was ridiculously muddy and dark and cold (for others) and the maze threatened to swallow up Kent, Seth, Stuart and I completely omg.
hnggg Red Robins happiness drink.
Chong’s nailllllllssssssssssssssssss.
While waiting in line for our doom.
@__@ the aftermath… it was ridiculously fun hahahaha. I can’t wait to go again :DDDDDDDD
NOV 3 — Went downtown to Daiso and F21 to windowshopppppppp before riding the bus back up to have a game night with friends.
I really wanted this cardigan……..