Urban Craft Uprising 2012

This weekend was Urban Craft Uprising, Seattle’s largest indie craft show! Kent, a Graphic Design major at my school, invited me to go with him as both of us have never been before. Matching rebel xsi’s in hand, we set out on a home-made adventureee!

Once inside, we were greeted by very friendly attendants at the door. The venue was buzzing with chatter, and filled with so many people! We tried to be strategic about this, and started from the very far left of the venue and made our way through the maze of booths.

We only made it to most of the booths before it was closing down! ahhh!

The lights are always super pretty around the Seattle Center. We wanted to see if there was a popcorn guy at that stand, but alas 🙁 there was not.

Parted ways with Kent at this point, rode the monorail back to Westlake, and caught a bus home!

Urban Craft Uprising is a free event open to the public, but they always encourage a $1 donation at the least to help fund the next shows. It’s a wonderful event that I never would’ve known about had Kent not invited me to join him, so I’m very glad for that — because everything really inspired me tonight! Ahhh! I can’t wait to see what vendors bring to the summer show. 🙂