Con Report: Sakuracon 2013

Photo by Sheena Duquette
So Sakuracon 2013 has been affectionately Christened “Swimming Anime con” by all of us. It was a last-minute, just-for-fun plan that ended up being really popular!!! hahaha! Since it was so last minute, some of us didn’t have proper wigs but we just rolled with it anyways, and had a ton of fun. :))


Thursday afternoon I dropped my stuff off at Chong’s hotel room, then I headed over to spend the night at Seth and Seren’s place, because Seth had told me that he needed help on his Kuja cosplay. But what he hadn’t mentioned was that… he needed help… on everything from scratch (besides the boots) LOL!!! So I did my best to beast out a wearable Kuja cosplay for him in the next 2 days, which was really hard… and tested both my patience and my abilities as a costumemaker @___@
I think it was Bel or Seren, but they got cake for us to share!!! And it was my favoriteeee from the cheesecake factory *^*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After years of making + sewing bias trim/tape… this wasn’t so bad LOL!

What life was like for many many hours @____@


At some point I just passed out on the couch for a few hrs, and woke up in the morning to eat and keep working!! Seth had work, and I needed to go to a 12PM shoot down at the Sheraton, so I took a bus (in my Free! hoodie and wig and makeup OTL) to downtown and headed over to meet up with my canadabros!

Devin and Sheena were in their cosplays already, while the rest of us got ready!
After everyone was done… oiling… their naked bodies…. we went up to the upper pool area and began our shoot!!

Nipples everywhere. Ngl I was uncomfortable with all the bare skin (call me prudeeeeeee or conservativeeeeee), hence the awkward smile. LOL! Devin and Sheena testing the lighting settings on my camera. 

Getting more comfortable with posing haha! The lighting was so nice! Then there’s Mike………………..

The guys oiling each other up again………………….
The final photos!!! Sheena used her PP skills to shoop out my chest binder kekekekeke. thank you u v u

dem heights!!! It worked out so well! hahaha
After we were done, we decided to wander around the con in our cosplays LOL WHICH WAS NOT PART OF THE PLAN! I was really embarrassed, so it took some convincing, but I felt bad that they’d be missing Nagisa! So I figured it’d be okay, and walked with them. 😛
Right outside the Sheraton we ran into a REALLY AWESOME ROTG GROUP!!!!!!!!!!
Gahhh!! Sandman was sooo sweet!! And the dye on Bunny’s fur! Jeeeezzzz!!!

so cuuuuuteee!!

ghehehehehehe okay I had to snap another of her because her smile was so cute LOL!

Ran into Willem and Tara finally!!

Really cool FE:A group *^*

Suuuuper gorgeous cosplay gahhh!!
♥ ♥ ♥
gahhhh Totoro!!!!
Afterwards I bussed back to Seren and Seth’s place to change into Teikou Kuroko!! Ai-ball was running late, so I called her to check up on what was happening, AND SHE GOT INTO A CAR ACCIDENT ;__; !!! Thankfully she was okay but oh my gosh, we were so worried :((( After she had resolved everything with the police officer, we got the rest of our stuff picked up by Ai-ball, checked into our hotel, and I headed off to go meet up with Rasha at the Roosevelt!

Trying to do Kuroko’s blank stare is really hard… in the end I couldn’t really do it, but I tried LOL!
It’s been awhile since I cosplayed with Rasha *q* I’m so sorry for being so late, so many things happened ;__; ! But it was nice talking with her for a few hours. :>>
That night I went back to continue sewing Seth’s Kuja cosplay @__@!! I must’ve only slept for 2 hrs, but at least all my costumes were done, so I just focused on his costume that night…


At some point WE WERE FINALLY ABLE TO FINISH TO SOME EXTENT. Of course it’s not 100% done but we did the best we could in the past 2 days lmfao ;-;!!! Seren wore Imagawa (Sengoku Basara), while Ai-ball wore Beatrice (also FF9!). I wore Ranka (Macross Frontier) but I don’t like my wig at aaall @___@ It photoshops so bright… gonna have to dye it to mellow it out or somethinggggg.
leaving the hotel room LOL!

strike a pose

she appears

JOJOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Stopped by the dealer’s hall cafe to grab some grub!!

Killing time while waiting around for friends!

near the AA I spotted a Midorima and had to get a pic ;o; so gooood

Wandered around to find a place to shoot AND!!! AND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE DID THE VOICE PERFECTLY!!!

Dr. Horrible getting schooled on why you shouldn’t smoke LOL!

He found it suuuper unnacceptableeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Seth and Ai-ball were getting their pics taken, so Seren and I sat down to take selfies *o* my wig is so radioactive ugh LOL!

and then I just kept snapping Seren.

Met up with Chong for FF9 photos but I wasn’t feeling very well ;( so I didn’t really shoot them.

Ai-ball’s Beatrice wig was really pretty!

bromodachi photoooos

It looked like a battle scene haha!

Afterwards we decided to rest, because Seth’s Kuja was suuuper cold.

Got dressed into Kuroko again, so we wandered around the con finding stuff to do!!
Ran into Kayi and her friends *Q* they were all so tiny and cute, and there I was… feeling like a giant Kuroko-san next to them LOL!
Seren, Bel, and I were really tired, so we headed back to the room to chill, and everyone in the room was getting drunk and being loud, so we decided to soak our feet in the bathroom, only there wasn’t a tub… just a shower….. and half a glass divider… so we just layed down like sardines with our feet under the water… and all of us fell asleep for an hour or so omg…………… Ai-ball kept checking up on us and taking our photos but we were asleep for awhile LOL! We finally woke up fully and decided to change out of our clothes and into our pajamas, then went right to sleep….


Our last day wahhh :(! It was pretty chill. I went as Sakura Kinomoto from CCS!! Seren and I decided to go around taking photos of her cosplay by the cherry blossoms! It was sooo sunny and pretty today!

she makes the cutest Imagawa LOL

*q* ngrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

hehe, and then she offered to take pics of my cosplay!

ran into Mie as Sakura as well, so we took a photo together!! She’s so cute u v u !!!
Afterwards, we wandered around the Dealer’s Hall for one last buy, and then most of us went our separate ways. I headed back to the hotel to grab my stuff and wait for my ride, got home, and passedddd out.