Lake Chelan business trip!

Kicking off with my first trip of the summer, right after spring quarter — even though it’s actually a business trip hahaha. The drive over to Lake Chelan was as lovely as it’s always been, and three hours felt like nothing watching the scenery pass me by.

We finally arrived around 4PM or so, checked into our room, and decided to explore the area. There isn’t a whole lot to do without a car, unfortunately, and the heat was pretty intense, so Liz and I ended up eating at the resort.

so many fries!
Liz ordered the lamb burger with chickpea salad. 🙂
I ordered a bacon cheeseburger with a side of fries. Sooooo good.
The next few hours involved some more setup and getting everything situated, some trips to Safeway, and then the BBQ buffet! Nhat was able to make it just in time for dinner, so we sat around chatting and enjoying the breeze from the lake, the scenery, and the clamor of people hehehe.
Steaaaaaak and macaroni and cheese! And sourdough bread!! So, so good….
Duck invasion!!! hahaha
Time to go back home with mama~
Because I worked long hours (woke up at 5AM, finished in the late afternoon) I napped for most of my time off, but I honestly don’t regret it.. This trip came the day after my last final, and the whole quarter I must’ve been getting 3-5 hours of sleep almost every night, so I used the relaxing atmosphere to recharge my dead battery hahaha. Liz and I would go out a few times to explore or walk around, but mostly we stayed inside napping and playing our 3DSs. 🙂
Here’s my outfit on the night of the banquet! Dress snagged from Forestale a while back! Contacts are EOS New Adult in blue. 🙂
The pure gold mixing with the blue *^* jeez sky, why you so pretty…
Some cute potted plants by the doorway. c:
We spent the last day enjoying the lake (finally!) but augh. So many bugs! D: I tried to snap as many photos as I could while the sky was soooo gorgeous.
Felt so nice. ♥
After packing up, we hit the road again and headed home. Stopped by a fruit stand to pick up some rainier cherries (my mom’s favorite kind hahaha)
They were a bit sour still :c!
AHHH AND!! I came home to BOTH Kinfolk vol. 8 and elliotoille‘s sketchbook! What a perfect surprise to come home to ♥ ! hehehe.