Spider legs

One morning I woke to findYour eyelashes edging towards meFlitting about like spider legs, franticcaught as I was, by yourempty words andindifference I stopped writing afterI stopped writing afterI stopped writing after you I stopped until I couldn’t stop any moreand I wonderedbetween what circumstancesand what magnetism thatorchestrates our convergencydid you begin to consume my […]

PAX Progress: Hope Estheim and Lightning Farron

So since Thursday I have been beasting out the cosplays that Ai and I are going to wear on Saturday of PAX Prime 2013 here in Seattle. We could only grab a one-day pass, but we’ve had FFXIII-2 planned for quite a while. Since we’re both full-time students in our junior year though, summer quarter […]

Lavender Hair!

Oops, back from midterms. Surprisingly…. I had almost none! They were replaced, instead, by two-three week long projects. Summer quarter is pretty weird, but I’m so thankful that it’s the least stressful… Last week I touched up my roots and dyed my hair lavender with Chong and Liz! We ended up having to bleach my […]

Con Report: Anime Expo 2013

After my business trip, my summer break (only 3 weeks!) was spent working on my costumes for AX. I bought Animal Crossing about half-way through, so it was probably the most relaxing break ever hahaha. There were a lot of hiccups with my taobao group order (it was delivered to me the day before I […]