Newest addition to the family — Ania!!

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After my photo adventures with robotnights, we went back to his place to check out comparisons of our camera bodies. The difference was, well, pretty significant… Significant enough for me to decide to upgrade my camera body after having Amelia (my rebel xsi) for 5 years! She’s going to a great new home though, with my friend Liz. 🙂 I’m really excited to have video capabilities now — I think documenting cons will be super fun with this addition — and nighttime shoots won’t be such a pain in the butt anymore (Lex and I were shooting mostly at night, and we had to keep using his camera because my xsi couldn’t capture in low light without being blurry/incredibly grainy). Ania is my birthday present from my mom — thank you so much!!!
Here’s to a new year. 🙂