Snoqualmie Falls

This weekend marks the first of many Saturday morning hikes I’ll be going on with my mom and aunt. We ended up making a detour through Snoqualmie on our way to Bandera Mountain, though, so I decided to separate the two posts. I don’t remember much of Snoqualmie, but they said that the last time they’d visited, it was all forests. Now there’s a town, with a bunch of houses/apartments and new businesses cropping up. It looks like such a beautiful place to live, because they kept a lot of greenery, and the houses are still surrounded by many forests. I think it’d be a wonderful place to live, actually, despite the 1hr commute to the city. 🙂
We set out on our hike around 9AM, and arrived at Snoqualmie Falls around 10AM. 
If you’re a fan of cult TV shows, you’ll recognize this scene from the supernatural drama series Twin Peaks, which was shot in Snoqualmie and North Bend, WA. The town itself is located elsewhere, but we’ll probably stop by again to see it another Saturday. 🙂
There was a log that would turn because of the force of the current, but never fell down the falls. I wonder how long it’s been there?

The mist/rain from the falls made the grass and leaves sparkle. 🙂

A lot of people stopped to watch my aunt and I, because we kept taking pictures of these leaves instead of the falls LOL

From far away the raindrops looked like starlight.
My mom pointed out a snail, so we spent some time taking photos of it hehe.
We saw a few paths into a trail, so we walked down for a few minutes to check it out.

I always think of Fern Gully when I see these types of leaves hahaha.

So cute!

The skybridge over the road had a handful of informational boards, talking about the history of Snoqualmie and the people who call this land home.


This is a great little day trip destination to go to if you’re up near Snoqualmie. There’s also a trail attached, which we’ll revisit another time and explore. Next up is my post about the Bandera Mountain hike! Stay tuned!