
The big day is finally here! I graduated on June 19th with my BFA in Fashion Design and I couldn’t be happier. This post is a bit unorganized because of finals, and immediately working on AX prep, but I wanted to make a post regardless. Enjoy!
(Before and After!)

The selfie on the left made me realize that my hair lightened again! And it’s all uneven ahh! So I decided to make a stop at Sally’s on my way home and redyed my hair — especially since graduation was the very next day!!

I’ve gotten pretty used to dyeing my own hair, but I’m sure I still miss spots here and there. It’s good enough for me, though. 🙂

Something about Wella products leave my hair super soft and healthy-feeling again! I’ve tried other brands (Palty, Ion, Garnier) but I always go back to Wella for natural colors.
We went to the filipino bakery downtown to grab some bread and pastries — the cakes were so so pretty!

Tirelessly working on my final… my last final forever!!
The atmosphere in class was very bittersweet. All of us couldn’t believe graduation was just a few hours from now. But we all did it!
Before the ceremony we decided to stop one last time at Bang Bang Cafe for our Bang Bang burritos.
A beautiful, spicy treasure.

While everyone went to go find parking, a few of us got dropped off to start lining up.
I’ve been through this twice and I still don’t know how to keep these caps on LOL!

While waiting we started taking a bunch of selfies with everyone! Monica and Mary!!!

with Yvette!
The ceremony itself went by in a flash, and despite all prior warnings I managed to get my sleeve caught on the railing stepping down from the stage… sigh….
After the ceremony! With Setareh and Thera!

With all the beautiful leis my family got me ;-;

group photo! FD students with our favorite patterning/draping/everything teacher! We’ll miss you so much!
With my mom and I! My number one supporter, cheerleader, and coach. 🙂
For dinner we went to the Cheesecake Factory~ 

I got hot tea because I was feeling so nervous still! hahaha

Strawberry martini!

My go-to LOL alfredo fettuccine…

aaaand my favorite cheesecake! 🙂 white chocolate raspberry cheesecake ♥ ♥ ♥
I feel like there’s so many things to say, but nothing I can put into words… just that I did it. I finished, and it’s over. I’m ready for a fresh new start and new beginnings!