Skagit Valley Tulip Festival

Today my mom and I went to the local Tulip Festival up north. I haven’t been in years (like double-digit years), so I may have gone overboard on my photo-taking… but when do I not, right?
We passed by a lot of farmland and barns.
first signs of tulips!
this area specifically were divided by yellow and red tulips, but in other areas there are rows of many, many different colors.
There were daffodils too! I had a teacher in elementary school who loved daffodils. She’d bring them to class and put them in the vases at our tables.
there were lots of people today!
an occasional red tulip made it’s way into the yellow fields.
rows and rows of tulips as far as the eye could see, it felt like.
we headed over to Roozengaarde, a garden my family went when I was very young. They had alpacas!!

lots of different kinds of flowers are featured here. 🙂
The placement of the yellow tulips reminded me of the yellow brick road from the Wizard of Oz.
The sun started setting at this point — perfect for backlit shots 🙂
You could smell fresh kettlecorn everywhere, so we decided to buy some for the road home. *__* all in all a very relaxing day trip, and much needed as well.