Bellingham: A small town

Today Daniel took me to Fairhaven, a small town with a lot of personality. I would always tell him how much I loved fish and chips, but due to my white fish allergy I couldn’t eat them anymore. Then he told me about a place that served salmon fish and chips – something I could eat!!! We decided to make a full day of it. 🙂
Super beautiful view!
Immediately after getting off the bus, we were greeted by this house — I was smitten with how every inch of it seemed to be so full of life.
No matter where I looked, I would find so many details on this house to admire.
You really don’t see houses like these in more urbanized suburbs. Every house seemed so unique and telling of those who lived in them, and especially of those who built them.
When we got to the Fairhaven Fish and Chips restaurant, I was so surprised to see that it was made out of a double-decker! It was so, so cute.
Here we met up with Daniel’s underclassman, Anuka. We ordered our food under the hot sun, and waited inside a small seating area where it was cooler. The place was bustling with orders!
my salmon fish and chips! I’m always cautious about eating anything fish-related, but no allergic reactions here! hehe. 
We spent awhile talking about school and work, which was really fun to hear. After lunch was over, we said our goodbyes and continued to explore Fairhaven.

the architecture! aaaaa
Daniel’s next foodie place to show me was Rocket Donuts & ACME Ice Cream! He emphasized that the texture of it is really something to try at least once.
The inside was simple with a slight chrome diner feel — the occasional sci-fi monster decor keeping watch.
Byebye Fairhaven Fish & Chips!
With ice cream in hand (we shared an espresso-flavor), we took a walk around the town.
arches enclosing a small park
windows, brick buildings, and lush vines… aaaa!!! ♥ ♥ ♥
we stopped by the bookstore and thumbed through the children’s section to show each other our childhood books. On previous dates we would spend a good while looking through all the children’s books and reminiscing. Somehow it just ends up something we do repeatedly, haha. 
this place smelled so delicious~
One of the many places Daniel wanted to show/take me to – Mambo Italiano Cafe! Unfortunately we were both still very full, so maybe next time 🙂 the place smelled delicious as well! I loveee the smell of olive oil.

We had time to kill before our bus, so we explored the inside of the building. ^^
I love old staircases like these, ones that seem to twist and go up and up forever. Though looking down is a bit scary…
We heard the faint sound of music, so we followed it up the stairs. Next to a cafe seemed to be a music lesson class. We kept walking, or rather… I kept stopping to take photos haha!
One couple was exiting the music room and played his guitar, asking me to take a photo of him, too. Playful conversation always makes me shy when taking photos, but I appreciate it all the same. People are generally very good-natured about someone taking pictures.

The inside of the cafe upstairs had light pouring into the place. I wish I could illustrate the contrast better, but it was so beautiful…
We bused back to WWU to visit the Sehome Hill Arboretum~ before that, we met this very adorable and friendly corgi.
so happy!!
So many belly rubs and headpats!!
time to go! byebyee
Another one of WWU’s many outdoor sculptures. This one is the “Stone Enclosure: Rock Rings” by Nancy Holt, installed 1977-78.
Scenic route under a tunnel ^^ it reminded me of the beginning chapters of Boku no Hero Academia, where Deku met All Might for the first time… anyways…
I love being under trees when the sun is filtering through the leaves. Everything glows.
some plants remind me so much of mushi, though that was the intent of the series, haha.
the width of this was narrower than my foot — seems more fitting for a forest sprite’s path than anything. 🙂
we saw a lot of good dogs up and down along the way!
a few orange flowers caught Daniel’s eye~
made it to the watchtower! phew!
We stayed at the top of the tower enjoying the view, talking softly about nothing in particular. Being in the shade of the roof was so refreshing — and we were safe from the mosquitos! 
It was time to head back down, though.
no horseriding!
Another quick view of the rock sculpture before heading back!

We spent the rest of the evening hanging out with Daniel’s roommates and watching movies. 🙂 a very relaxing way to end a day full of sightseeing.