Entiat, WA: Lake Chelan

We woke up bright and early today to go down to Lake Chelan! I loved how the light was resting on the curtains, so I snapped a quick photo before going downstairs.
Jeanie’s mom’s made bulgogi for the trip prior, so we ate that for breakfast with rice. It was soooo good.
We had a little downtime before we packed up for the drive, so I took some photos of the cabin. There were a lot of cute bear-themed items!
After everything was packed up into the cars, we drove to town and grabbed groceries for the BBQ
Setting up shop!!! All of the grills were in use/far from the tables we wanted, so thankfully Jeanie and Nick brought their tabletop grills! I’ve never seen ones like these!!
We ate lunch first, and listened to Jack Johnson while enjoying the summer breeze~ there were lots of birds chirping everywhere.
While people-watching, we saw baby ducklings in the water and ran down the hill to see them!! Then we followed them quietly along the beach until they swam away. So cute…
Despite the summer sun, Lake Chelan is still glacier-fed, so it was ICE COLDDDD.
We all floated around for awhile trying to find sun spots, but we couldn’t get used to the cold water and eventually went back up the hill.
There was some spicy bulgogi left, so we ate more~~ hahaha
Most of us put blankets out in the sun to dry off, but it was so nice that we all got sleepy…
We left with the sun beginning to set, which made the water pump for washing off super pretty

For dinner Daniel and I made crispy curry-rubbed chicken thighs and red-skin mashed potatoes! Since we got home so late, we finished making dinner around 1AM… yikes!!
As soon as we all finished eating, everyone passed out. It was a fun day!