Rivers and Meadows

On our way over to Tsubaki Shrine, we passed by a park entrance and decided to turn around and check it out!
It was my first time actually seeing the backroads of Arlington, so I was really amazed how peaceful and secluded everything felt. 
 The rain was still coming down, so we decided to keep adventuring despite being a little soaked. 🙂
The leaves here have already begun to turn red, but there’s still plenty of green — it created a really interesting atmosphere.
There were a lot of turns and paths, so we picked random ones along the way and prayed we wouldn’t get too lost LOL
Eventually our path guided us to the Stillaguamish River!
I wonder how far we could’ve followed it, had we kept walking?
We ended up walking in a U-shape, so we started heading back to (hopefully) the beginning.
Our path opened up to the fields we drove through minutes ago!
Would definitely love to come here during sunrise or sunset. 🙂
The last trudge through the field got our socks wet, so we decided to keep driving to the shrine haha. And then we passed by a bridge and decided to stop again!
What I first thought was an ordinary suspension bridge turned out to be a small park. Jordan Bridge was first constructed across the Stillaguamish River in the early 1900’s, then rebuilt in the 70’s in the “swinging bridge” style, before being rebuilt again as a semi-solid structure. I can tell you right now they must’ve put an emphasis on “semi” because I was shaking while walking over lol.
Horses seem to be a big thing here — we saw a lot of signs that were “no horse” zones. No horsing around in Arlington, huh?

There was a steep staircase that led down to the river, so we followed it! You can see how the water was a deep emerald here!
The bridge from below
We walked a little further past the bridge but saw that it was a residential area, so we decided to head back.