Leavenworth: Christmas Lighting Festival 2018

It’s been awhile! I feel like I say that every December, and every December I try to update my backlog of entries on this blog to make way for the new year. There’s a bit too many to make it by the 1st of January, but I’ll do my best.
Ever since Thanksgiving ended, I’ve been ready to get into full-time Christmas mode. To kick off the holiday season, we went to Leavenworth for their 52nd Annual Christmas Lighting Festival! Leavenworth holds various holiday activities and performances throughout the month of December, starting with their town-wide tree-lighting ceremony. I know it’s an extremely touristy town, but the area is one of my favorites.
On our drive over, we stopped by Steven’s Pass to take photos of the snow! It’s not enough for snowboarding yet, but it seems like it’s getting there.
I think I need a new pair of boots – my toes were freezing!
We arrived at around 2PM with plenty of time to spare, so we walked around and visited the different shops and restaurants. Throughout the streets, you could hear bells jingling and carolers everywhere. Sadly it wasn’t snowing in Leavenworth yet, but it was full of holiday spirit all the same!
It was full of people too!
One of the trees that would be lit up that night.
This friendly St. Bernard was hamming it up with the kids. He just stayed laying down while everyone pet him! hahaha. 
The ceremony included a visit from Santa, a performance by the Leavenworth Alphorns, and a beautiful audience-involved performance of Silent Night. I’ll definitely remember to pack my wool socks next time — I was so cold!