Green Lake in Autumn

Autumn has settled in here in Washington. Already the golden leaves are turning and falling, and with it the rain and clouds have made their way back home. I always say Winter is my favorite season (because of the snow and how quiet it gets), but is that really true? Autumn just feels like home. Every morning I wake and look out the window, I’m calmed by the varying shades of reds and yellow. You can feel the air change, and the light change too. I’m sure, though, when the first snow falls I’ll say Winter is my favorite season all over again. There’s just a lot to love about both.
We took a short drive to Green Lake this Sunday, and despite the rain it was busy with people! Joggers, bikers, and everything. There were plenty of trees mid-turn.
There was a lady with a bag of nuts feeding some of the squirrels, so we talked for a bit about how you have to be quiet and move gently when they approach you.
A roasted peanut or two is okay (never raw as they contain a trypsin inhibitor), but depending on the season it’s best to have a variety of fruits and vegetables with higher nutritional value, even (or especially!) if they’re wild.
We stood there for awhile in the almost-rain making small talk before heading home.