Ferns and fittonias pt. II

The sun looked really nice dappled all over the ferns, so I took some photos of them in their new pot.  I like these long rectangular pots for now, but I’m quickly running out of space to put everything. The dieffenbachia won’t stop growing, which is a good problem to have, isn’t it? My mom […]

Ferns and fittonias

I’ve been feeling a bit more confident with my plant care, so I decided to venture out and get some new additions to my little apartment garden. The one in the back is an austral gem fern, also known as a hen & chicken fern, parsley fern, or a mother spleenwort. Indirect and partial sun plants […]

More photos of our hosta’s flower! Oh, it’s gorgeous. The new leaves are growing beautifully as well.

unlimited hostabilities

After a month of regular watering, new growth has been steadily sprouting in our hosta francee. Watching it change day after day has been a humbling experience, and I’ll admit I was nearly brought to tears.  Here’s how it looked on May 1st, 6 days ago. I. didn’t take a photo at the start of […]