Monterey: This moment, sparkling like stars in our hand

Today was the day!!! Not only my birthday, but the highly anticipated trip to Monterey. I went to the Monterey Bay Aquarium for work a very long time ago, and have been following their twitter for some time. I was so excited to go with my friends for once!

We woke up early-ish to get ready for Grim’s arrival, so it was nice taking our time. I played with Dahlia for awhile and responded to birthday wishes on Facebook and Twitter.

I also got to open my present from Gourd, which was a moomin mug I’ve been wanting for so long!!

After Grim came, we went to pick up Kai and headed for Monterey. The weather has been absolutely scary this past week in NorCal with all of the rain and flooding, so we planned for backup activities just in case things started looking south.

in the backseat with Odokawa and Gourd’s hilarious cap.

To our relief, it was beautiful and sunny when we arrived! We parked nearby and walked down to the aquarium.

“In 1926, the American Can Company opened its sprawling sardine can production plant a short distance over the Pacific Grove city line near the Hovden Food Products cannery. This sardine can factory produced a purported twenty-six million cans in its first season of operation, going on to dominate the can supply industry from its location on part of the old Chinese settlement site at China Point. Today it boasts great shopping in California’s first factory outlet.” — Cannery Row

After a brisk walk over, we made it! This aquarium is definitely popular, but it wasn’t too crowded today thankfully.

You can sneak a peak at Cannery Row while you wait. My friends had already purchased tickets, so we zipped through the line.

Before opening it’s doors on October 20, 1984, the Aquarium is the original site of Knut Hovden’s cannery since 1916 – one of the oldest and largest sardine canneries of the Pacific Sardine Fishery! The exhibits have been beautifully built into the industrial exterior and interiors of an important piece of Monterey history. Much like the ocean, an impressive and awe-inspiring example of coexistence.

There are several doors opening out to the waterfront. If you look carefully through the scenic viewers, you can even spot some seals in the far distance!

The gulls, friendly as ever. They were huge!

I’m always appreciative of my friends who let me take my time snapping photos. There’s just so much to look at and take in all the time. The running and winding and turning of the pipes on the ceiling, the way the sun’s light enhances their every grooves and curves…

One of my favorite rooms is the entrance to the Open Sea — a swirling and dazzling 360 ceiling of sardines, sparkling like stars in the sky. Here one of my favorite quotes is emblazoned on the wall, a memory I have never forgotten all these years.

The sea is as near as we come to another world.

— Anne Stevenson

Throughout the aquarium, exhibits focusing on plastic pollution, climate change, sustainable consumption, and conservation are artfully constructed. Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Act For The Ocean provides lots of information on the ways our actions impact the ocean and the creatures that inhabit it, and what we can do about it.

We managed to come right in time for the opening of their new Deep Sea exhibit! The exhibit was filled of transparent jellies with electric-like veins, and my very favorite giant isopods!

Unfortunately we didn’t get a chance to experience the isopod touch pools.. maybe next time!

We came towards the tail end of the penguin feeding, but they were cute as ever! Grim calls this the CGI penguin because of how the humidity made this photo look lol!

Ms. Katie helping us at the touch pools and gently holding crabs!

Last but not least, the Sandy Shore and Aviary! This place was wonderful – feeling the cool ocean breeze while walking through the aviary was an absolute delight.

Before we left, we hit up the gift shop and had a blast going through all of the merchandise. Whoever they have for the merch team must really understand sealife lovers, because we wanted to buy so many things lol! I ended up getting a large isopod plush, a smaller keychain, and a pin.

As we were heading out of the aquarium (we stayed til closing!), one of the employees called out to us and asked if we got to see the isopod interactive exhibit. We told him that it had been closed, and he actually asked on his walky-talky if someone would be able to show it to us before we left!! Unfortunately, due to shortstaffing, it wasn’t meant to be, but his kindness left a lasting impression on us. He must’ve seen the keychain Kai was holding, maybe even a fellow isopod friend?

We were all hungry and ready to eat, so we set out on a (rather long) walk to Old Fisherman’s Grotto.

Cannery Row is overflowing with history and old, though at times crumbling, sites. I definitely recommend stopping by here for a day trip.

As we were looking over the menus, a gentleman from the table next to us gave us a free appetizer voucher!! I want to say this was birthday luck lol!

The calamari and scallops were soooooooo good.

All four of us ended up getting the clam chowder bread bowls and they did NOT disappoint.

It started to rain while we were eating, and a large rumble ripped through the air. Grim, without turning to look at the window, said “looks like there’s thunder” with a mysterious smile. Me, who was opposite of her, saw a custodian dragging a large dumpster away from us. I had to tell her. We all laughed a lot that night.

I was a little reluctant to walk back in the dark rain, but it was actually very beautiful. Our muffled voices in the quiet night, the waves softly in the background, and the rain on our shoulders made for a wonderful closing scene.

We dropped off Kai at his house, and I got to finally meet internet celebrity super star, Wafel!!! He’s so silly.

My friends then surprised me with my favorite cake, 85C’s mango creme brulee… HUHHHHH?!?! I was caught completely off-guard that they remembered the cake I always get. My friends really went all out today for one of my best birthdays ever. Thank you guys so much. ;-;