Thoughts before June

I’ve been on Eliquis for three months now. After collapsing, though brief, and being hospitalized in February, I’ve been thinking a lot about life and what I want to do.

More site cleanup and revisions

After having a couple days away from my site, I tested out the navigation again for my blog and realized that if I change the main nav links at all, I’d have to technically go through every single blog post ever and change them as well… so I’m going to work on modifying that. Maybe […]

dough zone dinner

Offline: Deer Friends

Been visited Seattle this week! It took a couple of tries, but we managed to meet up today in downtown. This was his first time in Seattle, and our first time meeting up in person, so we tried to make it chill and easygoing. While I’ve been making strides in my recovery, I was still […]

Site cleanup and revisions

Now that the layout has been “finalized,” I’ve been cleaning up odds and ends here and there and tightening things up. This diary is my current big project before I move on to other sections, and I’d really like to get the foundations down before I start importing all of my previous blog entries from blogspot […]

VR: Searching for sunflowers

Whew! I finally got my site layout at a point where I’m happy with it. Between taking care of my mom and trying to wrestle with my own health problems, I’ve been no-lifing coding for the past week. Actually, exactly one week since I created my neocities. Wow! Last night I asked NoX if we […]