VR: Searching for sunflowers

Whew! I finally got my site layout at a point where I’m happy with it. Between taking care of my mom and trying to wrestle with my own health problems, I’ve been no-lifing coding for the past week. Actually, exactly one week since I created my neocities. Wow!

Last night I asked NoX if we could world hop around VRC for sunflowers, so we first visited iyoroken’s nagisa no machi. It’s a beautiful, large summer world that I’m very fond of. The colors are soft and gentle, and it really feels like you’re in a small town by the sea.

the colors are also very complementary to my avatar’s lol

Unfortunately NoX was having trouble with his controller drifting, and my HMD’s battery was only at 50%, so we went off to the next world for photos. The next world was yuki-jp’s 夏の訪れ-The arrival of summer-. Butterflies gently fly all around you as the sky is reflected in the water at your feet. There’s a train crossing, a bus stop, and some tracks. NoX was fiddling around with his personal mirror, and I wasn’t sure why until he showed me the photos he took.

I think NoX’s view of the world is beautiful and kind, and I’m always amazed at his vision. I never would have been this creative with VRC’s new personal mirror gimmick, but now I want to try!!

Today a new avatar came out and I admittedly bought it instantly. I’ll work on customizing my own chimaco this weekend!!

World: nagisa no machi — by iyoroken

World: 夏の訪れ-The arrival of summer- — by yuki-jp