Site cleanup and revisions

Now that the layout has been “finalized,” I’ve been cleaning up odds and ends here and there and tightening things up. This diary is my current big project before I move on to other sections, and I’d really like to get the foundations down before I start importing all of my previous blog entries from blogspot (manually, no less). The fear of running out of space is looming in the back of my mind, so I’ve been resizing all of my images before uploading them to the site.  <– I went back to blogspot after like, one week lol

The biggest concern I have is navigation and archiving. I want to make the archive process as futureproof as possible so that each year will have the same format and the pages don’t need to be massively adjusted when a new year/month begins. At first I was just going to have the year indexes have previews, but not every entry needs its own page, and that would make the sidebar links extremely long if I plan to blog every couple of days (my ideal has always been daily). So now each month will have the previews, and the years will link to the months. In the future it’d be great if the year index had a year-in-review, which I might be able to do after catching up on all my entries. I think that would be fun!! It’d include stuff like milestones, favorite trips or moments, accomplishments, etc. Favorite photos and stuff too. I do wish I could incorporate iframes somehow, but I’m not really sure what I’d do or what that would look like… I’m trying to do things one step at a time, but old habits die hard and I’ve got so many parts moving simultaneously. lol

After the diary section is finalized, I want to work on the studio next. I’d like to get my art up, but I think I’ll change the layout ever so slightly. I want to figure out how to do thumbnails and maybe even modal images, but we’ll see. 🙂 Today I’ll be taking photos of my camera collection since it’s sunny, so I’m off to go do just that! Byebye!