Future site plans

Alright y’all… I got dreams. After getting the skeleton going on this site and cleaning up my code, I want to go big or go home. I’ve recently been joining fanlistings and exploring other sites and shrines, and I’m so inspired right now it’s unreal!! I’ve always had certain plans for my site but I think it’s time to start working towards them, at least slowly.

What are those ideas? As much as I love clean and easy to navigate sites, I want my site to be more interactive. I want people to get lost exploring every page, hovering over objects to see if they lead anywhere. I want my site to be a little more story-driven and browser game-esque. It’s going to take awhile to draw all the assets, but I think it’ll be such a fun and rewarding project. It’ll take me awhile to organize everything and figure out how I want to lay things out, but I’m really excited!

  • Things I would love to do, eventually
  • Have pagedolls that alternate between SMILE and SIKA, possibly seasonal theme.
  • Custom layouts for Home, Kitchen, Room, Studio, Library.
  • Make website fully mobile-friendly (exceptions to shrines and trinkets, other subpages)
  • Make website fully accessible and screen-reader friendly
  • Change Road Signs layout to a train station theme.
  • Change sitemap page to an actual map layout + a simple mobile-friendly version.
  • Language selection…? (huge pipe dream)

There’s much, much more obviously, but these are rotating in my mind constantly like a 7-eleven hotdog and I felt like I needed to write them down to release my brain from my heated glass conveyer belt prison.