More site cleanup and revisions

After having a couple days away from my site, I tested out the navigation again for my blog and realized that if I change the main nav links at all, I’d have to technically go through every single blog post ever and change them as well… so I’m going to work on modifying that. Maybe a cute button that redirects back to the diary landing page?

I made some changes to the formatting and cleaned up some things, added April 2023’s page but for whatever reason my 4/25 entry goes to a 403 error…? I’ll try to remake it, I guess. I want each season to have its own background image, so that’ll be fun picking out! Ideally it would be a photo from that year, but there’s also some images that I just love dearly – so we’ll see which I end up with. I guess it’s not really a big deal either way, it’s my site, hey!

I have all these ideas for drawing little things here and there for the site, so I’m excited to start working on that eventually. I’ve been overwhelmed with taking care of my mom while her leg heals. The orthopedist said it may be a miniscus tear, and if it doesn’t get better in a couple months she might have to get surgery. The older you get, the more things break… I’m trying to stay optimistic and not spiral into an emotional wreck like usual. Since today was Sunday I did a ton of chores and it was nice, but hard work. I did the laundry, washed the dishes, cleaned the kitchen, organized our medicine cabinet things, and cleaned my room a bit. I feel better knowing what all we have for first aid kits, and can now comfortably refill certain things that we’re out of. It’s already May and I haven’t repotted my plants, but it’s hard to get motivated…

Today was Mother’s Day, and while my flowers for my mom arrived on Friday, my gift came just in time! My mom loves to collect Willow Tree figurines, so I got her one that she didn’t have yet: the Mother and Daughter Memory Box. I’m really glad that she genuinely seemed to like it.

Aside from that, I’ve been a mix of inspired and art blocked. The biggest hurdle I’m facing is physical stamina and time. Sometimes I feel like all I’m doing is preparing and organizing and trying to make my work look presentable in its container (portfolio site, resumes, tumblr, etc…), but not actually creating anything. I know there has to be a balance and these steps are just as important, but I miss drawing for fun. I’m hoping once I get through my orders and comms I can take a break and draw for myself for a bit.