Entiat, WA: Day 1

 This week was the beginning of our camping trip out in Entiat! We got on the road at around 7:30-8PM. I’ve been having issues with motion sickness lately so I took dramamine and immediately knocked out for the whole 3-hour drive (whoops!)
I was able to snap some pictures when I did wake up, but then immediately fell back asleep.

The dramamine was finally wearing off a bit, and I woke up in Leavenworth. I ended up dropping my glasses underneath the seat, so everything after was a blur (literally). Daniel told me the stars were pretty, but I couldn’t see. Then he kept pointing out a lot of animals along the way, but I couldn’t see those either. -__- LOL

As soon as we hit the last 20 miles of the trip, our data cut out and we drove in complete darkness for a long while. When we made it to cabin, it was lit up beautifully against the surrounding forest.

We managed to find my glasses under one of the seats, so we stood out in the field looking at all the stars. You could even see the Milky Way! And we saw two shooting stars!! We spent a while pointing out constellations before going inside and eating hot pockets for dinner. All of us stayed awake and talked late into the night until finally going to bed.