Vancouver Christmas Market

After dinner, we headed over to the Vancouver Christmas Market held nearby. Before I was born, my mom and dad were stationed in Germany for several years. Growing up she always told me about the christmas markets in Germany, and how magical they were. I was finally able to experience the real thing in 2019, and now in 2022 I was so excited to go to one locally.

We were immediately greeted by the most beautiful stalls and decorations, and tons of people! The cold air and the warm lights made me feel just as enchanted as I was back in Germany.

The market might feel small to some, but I think it was the perfect size. No space was wasted, but it wasn’t too difficult to get around the crowd. There were plenty of seating areas to rest and warm up, and food stalls were sprinkled all throughout instead of in one single area. I guess it depends what vendors come in and what they sell, but it was nice to just stroll and take in the different smells and shops.

There was a live singer performing Christmas songs with the most beautiful, gentle voice. We got a souvenir mug along with delicious kinderpunsch (German christmas punch).

We tried as many stalls as we could. There was even one giving out free samples of mushroom soup! It was so incredibly delicious, my mouth is watering just thinking back on it.

After we had our fill and bought our souvenirs (and plenty of food!) we headed back to the hotel and slept early. I hope we come back every year — I had so much fun!