Con Report: Anime Expo 2012

For the first time ever, rather than flying down — we organized a road trip to AX!! In total it was about a 22hr drive, with less than a handful of pitstops!


We woke up around 8AM or so and headed out on our super-long journey! I fell asleep right away and somehow we ended up at our fist pit stop in Oregon.
Found a tiny forest spirit path!!

Stopped by to get some ice cream in the next town, cause we were suuuuper craving it haha!
Wound up at a pretty cool creek! Myrtle Creek, OR to be exact. 🙂 
I fell asleep for the rest of the trip…… only waking up at random, brief moments to take pictures of the sunset.


It was still awhile until we could check into our hotel, so I asked my family in LB if we could crash there and nap for a few hours. They happily let us stay over and we all slept on my family’s couch until around noon haha! After that we packed up again and headed over to check into our hotel, and got into our costumes for the con. 🙂

Shinatty-chan, omg LOL! A rare beauty, indeed.
Really awesome P4 duo!! Yosukeeeeeeee!!!
Immediately upon entering the con we ran into these really cute and sweet Magnet cosplayers, who recognized our Joui group instantly and started gushing!! AHHH IT WAS SO CUTE ;__; !! They were so nice and wanted to meet up again tomorrow, because they were cosplaying joui too!! Seriously what are the odds LOL! I’m always down for befriending fellow Gintama fans, so we exchanged numbers and decided to part and enjoy the con! What a great start to our day!!
Naturally, Seth had to take a photo with the Pokeboys hahaha. Seth as Takasugi!!!
Aicosu as Korra and Tahno from Legend of Korra!
Super cute Kuroko and Nigou!
KH3 *^*
Seattleites will prob never get used to the LA heat… we grabbed at what was familiar to us… starbucks and cold (aircon) air……
Chong in her beautiful Sakura cosplay!!!
After fixing up our makeup some more we went to shoot at a nearby parking lot!!
Missing Sakamoto… always…..
Takasugi being a loner…. always….
This was my first time really using my new wide-angle lens for cosplay, so it was very difficult getting the hang of it LOL! It was hard trying not to make Seth look taller than he already is…

We tried doing cool action/battle scenes…

Messing around and failing miserably at trying to make each other look cool…

If only those were trees and not buildings ;~;

The LA haze made the building in the back look SO COOL. This would’ve been a perfect location for Persona, or some other urban modern-day anime/game. graghhhh esp DRRR!!!

Okay I was kind of an idiot and didn’t realize this was Ichigo’s sword… I thought it looked cool………….

Trying to pose in an intimidating way…. but I just look like a baby .__.

“Hey Seth, can you hold the reflector?”

Jesse in the back LOL

raising the bar

Sun set finally, so we decided to find a place to eat! Jesse had some suggestions in mind.

I think this was my first time trying this part of meat… I didn’t really like it lol.

THESE, though, were sooooooooooooooo good.

and this *o*

ngrgrrrrrrr so yummy.

 DAY 2

Woke up bright and early and headed to the con! I started the day as Endou Mamoru from Inazuma 11!
I ran off to go see the Inazuma 11 photoshoot, and ahhh so awkward they were already done LOL!!! But I asked them to pose for me again…. kekekekeke
everyone was super into their characters and were really fun to get to know!

This Hiroto was so pretty ;~; 
Super cute Haruna in Kidou’s InaJapan uniform hehehe!

Mark and Aphrodi!!!!
Okay I asked them to put their hands on the ball but I didn’t mean pray to the sakka gods LMFAO.
GAHHHHH Kantoku-neesan and Hiroto!!!
*^* She came all the way from Germany! That’s so cool!!
After the shoot, we all went over to the Dealer’s Hall and invaded the NicoNico booth. One of the MCs asked us how old we all were, because I guess that was what everyone on the NND live commentary were asking, and I kind of meekly said my name while the InaGO girls next to me shouted 16 and I just… omg LOL! Tenma heard me and turned around, super shocked AND OMG LOL!!!!! DON’T JUDGE ME THERE’S NO AGE LIMIT TO ENJOYING SOCCER ANIME HAHAHA. /so ashamedd why is everyone so young.
Parted ways but exchanged info with everyone first *3*!!!!
Kyaaaaa ran into our new friends again, this time they’re Joui!!! Hana, Ren, and Vickyyyyyyy!!
Ao no Exorcist trio! So cool ;o;


Day 3 we dressed up in our Haruhi Suzumiya cosplays! Bringing out Mikuru once again, and this time Seth joining us as Koizumi! He got mistaked for Kyon a lot though……….. like a lot a lot…….

discussing espers
Seth is super ikemen~ me making an awkward face LOL

Cuties *3*
Wandered around the con more and took pictures of/with cosplayers!
The dog’s face LOL! Ookami cosplay ♥
Omg both of these photos were so blurry but whatever LOL! Scarecrow princeeee!!
hardly ever see Shaman King cosplay anymore ;~;
Decided to take photos by our favorite spot kekekekeke! It was a little hard with 3 people, esp without… the main… character… LOL


Delinquent Tomoyo. Definitely canon.

Ahhhh it’s so blurry but I got a photo with Shiya!! Love her cosplays as always. ;w; 
The interior of the LA con center always leaves me in awe.
Ryuk and Officer Jenny!!!
I think this guy got our photo in almost all of our cosplays LOL! 
Gorgeous <333!
Very cute outfit and wig ^^

Setting up my cards to take pics!

I thought this was a cute pic hehe
Chong makes the cutest Tomoyo TT___TT!!!!
Tuxedo Mask *o*!!!
Was so shocked to see a Natori cosplayer!!

omg… LOL Hijikata Mayo King!!

AWESOMEEEE Bioshock cosplayers!!
Went outside to take some photos!

Thank you Mie, Chong, and Tammy so much for working with me to get this photo ;__; it’s seriously one of my favorite photos ever….

We kept laughing trying to take this picture LOL

Dinner at my favorite place!! So goooood.


The ride home was pretty quiet I think. Or at least, I slept through most of it……