Short recap: busy season, new host, etc!

A couple things today. I’m going to be traveling quite a bit this upcoming few months. It’s busy season for my job! I got my booster last week, as well as an air purifier that a friend highly recommended. I also bought a new suitcase because I’ve been sharing the same sized one with my mom for years and we’ll be traveling separately. My wallet is really hurting, but they’re all good purchases.

I feel like an astronaut with this. It’s so sleek and modern.

My most recent gyoza batch came out really good! I still don’t understand how to get the meat to be more soft, but I think I’m getting there.

I finally made the switch from Blogger to WordPress! I imported my blogger posts, and will have to slowly go through each one to replace the images/categorize everything correctly in this new format. I love that there’s tags AND categories here.

I’m going to miss the more bare bones way of blogging (I know, I actually liked the limited features lol) but watching even the most basic features continue to become obsolete or unsupported just made me realize that it is probably time. I also tied this change in with moving my personal website from neocities to dreamhost. This is mainly due to the fact that I’d like to use php and more js, but I loved how neocities was able to help me get to this point. I’m still going to mirror it and use neocities to connect with other webmasters! I really love the community I’ve started to be part of, and I don’t think much will change. Though truth be told, the update feature on neocities’ profiles were also making me very anxious, and it made me feel like I had to not only choose the order of what I wanted to update, but also minimize the amount of updates I was making. This way I can update my site more casually and announce the changes when I’m ready!

The downside of WordPress is the focus… the focus and language on SEO and boosting boosting boosting increasing increasing is a little depressing. There’s not really a “personal/hobby” template, and a lot of the focus is site marketability and improving your reach for potential clients/customers. I know that’s the current state of things, but I really liked the neocities bubble because of that. It’ll take some growing pains to adjust what plugins I really want and how to best utilize this space for what I want to use it for, but that’s okay! One step at a time.