Iceland: Film – Gulfoss and Geysir

It took several years, I’ll be honest, but I finally got my film from my Iceland 2019 trip developed this month as a birthday present. I’m certain they went through a great degree of degrading, but they are mine and they are precious to me. One of the biggest worries for me on this trip […]

Iceland: Day III — Gulfoss and Geysir

The biggest thing I’ve noticed in Iceland is that people greet you in the morning (or even just when passing you by). There’s a sense of warmth and familiarity that doesn’t happen much in the US, or rather, in the Pacific Northwest. It reminded me of my short pockets of childhood spent with family in […]

The church built on ancient fire

Nestled in the southernmost region of Iceland’s Snæfellsnes Peninsula sits Búðir (Búdir), a small hamlet made up of a couple old buildings, a hotel and a solitary church. Long ago, Búðir was once a prosperous commercial and fishing village and one of the Snæfellsnes’ most active trading posts. Remnants of a bustling port throughout the […]