New York: Foggy red-eyes

Angela and I have been talking about taking another trip together since we went up to Vancouver for New Years. We’re both really chill, go-by-the-flow travelers, and it’s always such a joy going places with just the two of us. It seemed like such a fun idea to spontaneously go somewhere, so we picked New […]

New York: SoHo and Times Square

We wanted to hit up a lot of the shops in SoHo today but ended up taking the super long R line ahhh!! Stopped at Union Square for food. There wasn’t any omurice at St Marks (I’ll have to learn how to make that for Shane hmmm) So we went for pasta instead! There were […]

New York: My first trip to the Big Apple!

After getting about an hour of sleep, I finally finished packing for my first trip to NY. I’d been wanting to visit my best friend Kayla, and it was also going to be my first time seeing my boyfriend, Shane. To say that I was nervous and excited would be an understatement. My friend Jesse […]