Iceland: Film – Gulfoss and Geysir

It took several years, I’ll be honest, but I finally got my film from my Iceland 2019 trip developed this month as a birthday present. I’m certain they went through a great degree of degrading, but they are mine and they are precious to me. One of the biggest worries for me on this trip […]

Canada 2020: Birthday weekend

On my way to the station, I overheard a tender conversation over the phone. Kind words spoken softly in an elevator, its warmth replacing the cold winter air. I couldn’t help but bring those words with me across the border.  This weekend I set off for a trip to Vancouver! The trip up is usually […]

Iceland: Day III — Gulfoss and Geysir

The biggest thing I’ve noticed in Iceland is that people greet you in the morning (or even just when passing you by). There’s a sense of warmth and familiarity that doesn’t happen much in the US, or rather, in the Pacific Northwest. It reminded me of my short pockets of childhood spent with family in […]