Skagit Valley Tulip Festival

Today my mom and I went to the local Tulip Festival up north. I haven’t been in years (like double-digit years), so I may have gone overboard on my photo-taking… but when do I not, right? We passed by a lot of farmland and barns. first signs of tulips! this area specifically were divided by […]

Valentine’s Day

Today was, in Seattle fashion, rainy, cold, and cloudy. But it was nothing short of warm, wonderful, and full of love. I feel really fortunate to be able to spend a special day with someone who brightens mine, so I tried to document is as best as I could, hehe. Here we are! Very thankful […]


The big day is finally here! I graduated on June 19th with my BFA in Fashion Design and I couldn’t be happier. This post is a bit unorganized because of finals, and immediately working on AX prep, but I wanted to make a post regardless. Enjoy! (Before and After!) The selfie on the left made […]

Con Report: Sakuracon 2015

Sakuracon this year felt like the shortest convention I’ve had. Ever. I spent most of my time tabling at the Artist Alley so I really don’t have a lot of photos to share, but even though it was so short it was very enjoyable and very relaxing. After having a super stressful quarter at school, […]