Con Report: Anime Expo 2016

WOW! So this AX was insane. I’m still in shock, but it was probably one of the better cons I’ve had in a while. Day 0 Michael and I buddied up for our plane trips this year again! Unfortunately, Daniel had class and was arriving later that night! :[ Our flight was at 9AM, and […]

Con Report: Anime Expo 2014

Hey guys! I’m finally back in the Pacific Northwest, full of………. sunshine and hot weather?! It looks like this summer we’re going to be in a heat wave, so temperatures are hitting the high 80’s and low 90’s! Crazy. Anyways, I spent my last 2 weeks of summer break vacationing/apartment hunting in SoCal, so I’ll […]

Con Report: Anime Expo 2013

After my business trip, my summer break (only 3 weeks!) was spent working on my costumes for AX. I bought Animal Crossing about half-way through, so it was probably the most relaxing break ever hahaha. There were a lot of hiccups with my taobao group order (it was delivered to me the day before I […]

Con Report: Anime Expo 2010

I can’t believe the con is already over…. this was my second Anime Expo (first one in 2005), but my first time staying at a hotel and cosplaying to it. I can honestly say this was the best con experience I’ve ever had, next to Sakuracon 2007. ;__; hope you enjoy my con report! DAY […]