Con Report: Sakuracon 2014

Hello!! I’m back from Sakuracon. 🙂 It was my first time participating as an artist in the Artist Alley with my friend, Sora, so I spent a lot of time there instead of the usual cosplay shenanigans — which was an awesome opportunity for me! It made the convention very relaxing, and I got to […]

Con Report: Anime Expo 2013

After my business trip, my summer break (only 3 weeks!) was spent working on my costumes for AX. I bought Animal Crossing about half-way through, so it was probably the most relaxing break ever hahaha. There were a lot of hiccups with my taobao group order (it was delivered to me the day before I […]

Con Report: Sakuracon 2013

Photo by Sheena Duquette So Sakuracon 2013 has been affectionately Christened “Swimming Anime con” by all of us. It was a last-minute, just-for-fun plan that ended up being really popular!!! hahaha! Since it was so last minute, some of us didn’t have proper wigs but we just rolled with it anyways, and had a ton of […]

Con Report: Sakuracon 2011

Sakuracon this year was such a blast! I not only finished one of my dream cosplays, but I got to spend it with my wonderful friends the whole entire time ;w; gahhh so much love for these guys. This year none of us could afford hoteling, so my classmate Seth invited us to stay at his […]

Con Report: Anime Expo 2010

I can’t believe the con is already over…. this was my second Anime Expo (first one in 2005), but my first time staying at a hotel and cosplaying to it. I can honestly say this was the best con experience I’ve ever had, next to Sakuracon 2007. ;__; hope you enjoy my con report! DAY […]