California Day 1: Manhattan Beach Nights

Just got back from my week-long vacation in California visiting friends and attending ALA 2014! I’m beyond exhausted and aching from a lot of weird skin allergies that are still mysteriously reappearing every day, but I’m excited at the same time to update my blog with more recent content. πŸ™‚ Let’s get started! After pulling […]

Spontaneous California Trip!

My trip to California was, for the most part, very spontaneous. My mom asked me Monday the 3rd (I think) if I wanted to go to California because my uncle’s 50th birthday was on the 8th. After excitedly chatting with a bunch of my friends about it, I made plans to stay for a week […]

Idaho Business Trip

In all my years, I’d actually never stepped foot into Idaho until this business trip came up! Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to enjoy a lot of it due to getting very, very sick. πŸ™ Spent a good two days sleeping and rewatching Hayao Miyazaki’s From Up On Poppy Hill (one of my Top 5 favorite […]

Graduation BBQ!

Listening to: “Road (κΈΈ)” – G.O.D. —————————————- It’s the first day of Summer!!! YAY!!!!! Franco’s Grad BBQ was todaaaaaaay. Woke up at 9:45AM. Lazed around getting ready hahahaha. Franco’s house is 2-3 streets down from mine, so I just walked over. It wasn’t windy, so my hair survived ahahahaha. When I walked down his street, Nhat […]

Prom shopping (again!) + Makeup haul

Started off my day with a delicious breakfast and a well-rested self. πŸ™‚ my mom made me pancakes, and I suggested strawberries and nutella — so she added those too! It was SOOOOOOOOOO good!! β™₯. She made the pancakes and put the strawberries IN the pancakes!! ahhh, so cool!! The finished piece. β™₯ Put some […]