Ferns and fittonias pt. II

The sun looked really nice dappled all over the ferns, so I took some photos of them in their new pot.  I like these long rectangular pots for now, but I’m quickly running out of space to put everything. The dieffenbachia won’t stop growing, which is a good problem to have, isn’t it? My mom […]

Ferns and fittonias

I’ve been feeling a bit more confident with my plant care, so I decided to venture out and get some new additions to my little apartment garden. The one in the back is an austral gem fern, also known as a hen & chicken fern, parsley fern, or a mother spleenwort. Indirect and partial sun plants […]

More photos of our hosta’s flower! Oh, it’s gorgeous. The new leaves are growing beautifully as well.

unlimited hostabilities

After a month of regular watering, new growth has been steadily sprouting in our hosta francee. Watching it change day after day has been a humbling experience, and I’ll admit I was nearly brought to tears.  Here’s how it looked on May 1st, 6 days ago. I. didn’t take a photo at the start of […]

Preserving the daffodils

11 days since we bought these daffodils, and they’re as beautiful as ever as they make their way through their life cycle.  The stalks are sturdy and upright with a beautiful shade of green, but you can feel the petals slowly drying out. It’s been a long time since I’ve tried flower-pressing. I remember I […]

the days are drifting slowly by

Despite everything, things have been getting better lately. I appreciate the many sunny days we’ve been having, and I think that’s been helping me find more energy to do things around the house. So I’ve started on my “plant parent” phase of quarantine, which was a good idea considering it’s Spring now. At the start […]