Growing out my hair!!

I’ve been uncommitted to the idea of growing out my hair for several years now, but I think I’m finally ready, haha! This morning I particularly liked how my hair looked, so I thought I’d take some self-indulgent self-portraits to help chronicle my journey back to long hair. Though I’d dyed my hair a very dark […]

Lavender Hair!

Oops, back from midterms. Surprisingly…. I had almost none! They were replaced, instead, by two-three week long projects. Summer quarter is pretty weird, but I’m so thankful that it’s the least stressful… Last week I touched up my roots and dyed my hair lavender with Chong and Liz! We ended up having to bleach my […]

New sweater + blondeee!

H&M’s men’s section has the best sweaters, I swear. Despite being “slightly” bitter about the poor quality and thickness in women’s sweaters in most fast-fashion stores, H&M is a sigh of relief to me — at least their menswear is. To be completely honest, I’m not even sure if I have a single piece of […]