Short recap: busy season, new host, etc!

A couple things today. I’m going to be traveling quite a bit this upcoming few months. It’s busy season for my job! I got my booster last week, as well as an air purifier that a friend highly recommended. I also bought a new suitcase because I’ve been sharing the same sized one with my mom for years and we’ll be traveling separately. My wallet is really hurting, but they’re all good purchases.

Future site plans

Alright y’all… I got dreams. After getting the skeleton going on this site and cleaning up my code, I want to go big or go home. I’ve recently been joining fanlistings and exploring other sites and shrines, and I’m so inspired right now it’s unreal!! I’ve always had certain plans for my site but I […]

Major site updates

Okay! So much has been updated and cleaned up. I created a Github and learned how to deploy to neocities so I can bash my head against multiple pages and push all the changes at once vs one at a time. I wish I’d known about this before, because my updates # is crazy from […]

Thoughts before June

I’ve been on Eliquis for three months now. After collapsing, though brief, and being hospitalized in February, I’ve been thinking a lot about life and what I want to do.

More site cleanup and revisions

After having a couple days away from my site, I tested out the navigation again for my blog and realized that if I change the main nav links at all, I’d have to technically go through every single blog post ever and change them as well… so I’m going to work on modifying that. Maybe […]