a bus, maybe

At 10:22PM I sighed into the backrest of my seat for the commute home. The heaters rumbled softly behind me, and I take off my scarf. As I was folding it onto my lap, someone collapsed into the seat across mine. I looked up out of curiosity, and I found a boy looking back at […]

Overnight coffee

“I hate Tuesday mornings because of him,” she said in passing, like an afterthought. I almost overlooked the subtle emphasis on each word. Hate. Because. Him. “As opposed to Sunday nights?” I replied before I took a sip of coffee. We were lounging in her small kitchen, leaning back in rickety wooden chairs that were […]

i wish we could talk about happy things

My friend,what if I only used the softest colorsto speak in front of youIf I could reinvent the waywe remember each otherknowing,very well,you still wouldn’t love mehow I want you to,how I’ve loved you. Neither the language we feel, northe way you’ve padded my shoulder withthe weight of your contradictory phrasescould fill inthe crevasseyou carved […]


I live alonewith the temporary tenants of a winter windI watch them come and go like thevacant thoughts I don’t like to think aboutsometimes I’m sitting in a piano room at night with the lights dimmedbut then I remember I never learned how to play. It feels like that a lot.Or if I walk by […]

I held my breath before I knew you, reciting the warmest mesh of our awkward affections a few drops of rain on my eyelashes collecting on the shoulder I rest my chin on the briefest embrace a smile that burns into the back of my eyes my hands that crave your fingertips tread carefully around […]

To say in the least, maybe I’ve already become a swallow to your winter a hope greater than my sum Love, I will never bargain, barter, or forget how sweet kisses, they felt the day we never met.


An endless shock of information a flood of memories from when I was there before, when I was there before that, and then too. The feelings are always the same. The Lord’s prayer. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done. The phrase reverberates around my mind in anticipation, and lingers thereafter. Sinking into the curtains, […]

the moon as I loved her I saw her with another her smile waned and I timidly retracted from this unrequited love – wasn’t meant for me. the sunflowers, they weren’t for me.