Presumptuous, though it may be still I couldn’t help but open – just a crack, that small river flowing from the pools of my heart. . Swelling, that far-off image flushed fingers interlaced as the bus rode the rays of the setting sun . But instead, here I stand soaked to the bones of my […]


As the bus across the street pulled away, the girl shifted her feet in the chilly January afternoon. It was supposed to snow that night. Time always seemed to drag on between one bus to the next, and the cold made time almost immobile. Snow, snow, snow. Her flushed fingertips clasped a thermos full of […]

I distract myself with the faded silhouettes and exhaled breath Lightless eyes filling up with constellations in the sky . Scarecrow trees growing under my feet I lost that flush of sentimentalism and I think I lost my heart, too I’m just walking in the dark.

I sat between two people who were the morning sky – blue and red – blue and red and I, black as the Evergreen silhouettes, talk to you. mountains and emotions between us the sky blends out the stars and I see no more. . We see in feelings fading, we hear in colors rising, […]


I’m reminded of a summer I never met someone. A summer where I never made a friend who loved the water like I love the sky. We sat on the dock of a lake. I asked him what he plans on doing once summer’s over. He looked at me with that look that said something […]