2WK Check-in: Black Sugar Scrub and DIY Pore Strips

Today marks the 2 week checkpoint since I started using my new SKINFOOD black sugar scrub and DIY pore strip routine, so I thought I’d show how my skin has been progressing! Photo under cut. My bare skin isn’t very attractive, as you can see… I decided to crop out my nasty dark circles because […]


Skin foods and skin care, some winter skin tips for eczema

A bit ago I ordered my first two purchases from SKINFOOD, a South Korean food cosmetic brand specializing in products that, like the name implies, are made to nourish the skin. Gentle and natural ingredients such as honey, avocado, aloe, and rice are among the more well-known lines, but they also have black sugar, tea tree […]

Skin writing

Due to a crazy allergic reaction to a spray dye I used on a costume I worked on over the span of a week, my (very sensitive) skin developed dermatographism. This is a condition where light pressure on my skin creates a very itchy, red, raised welt in the shape of whatever was pressed, scratched, […]